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BAKU: Armenian Church Leader’s Baku Visit Sign Of Russian ‘Dominatio


April 28 2010

Ilgar Ibrahimoglu News.Az interviews Ilgar Ibrahimoglu, doctor of
theology, imam of the Juma Mosque in Baku’s Old City.

How would you comment on the visit of Armenian Catholicos Garegin ll
to Azerbaijan?

First of all, I think this is an unexpected development. It can be
compared to the recent signing of the protocols between Armenia and
Turkey. It is an equally important and unprecedented event. I think
it will be followed by geopolitical changes and it is no chance event.

I think Russia is increasing its domination in the Caucasus and the
Orthodox Church is a central figure in this process. It has shown
that it can even bring Garegin to Baku which is remarkable. As for the
reaction of the Azerbaijani side, it must make use of the favourable
situation for its own diplomacy, that is, it must use the existing
potential to demonstrate tolerance and Azerbaijan’s commitment to
a peaceful position on all issues. Meanwhile, I think if Garegin
does not make statements condemning genocide and crimes that were
supported by his church, it will not be good. In fact, someone who
is a something of a conductor of Armenian terrorism comes here and
does not condemn the events that occurred several years ago. I think
Azerbaijan must use every opportunity for a peaceful settlement and,
if this does not work, it will be obliged to start war. I think all
opportunities should be used for a peaceful settlement of the problem.

Does the visit of the Armenian Catholicos to Azerbaijan mean progress
can be expected in the negotiations on Karabakh?

I think we should try to get some new statements during his visit
because he will hardly make any statements on his departure. I think
the geopolitical situation over Karabakh is changing. But it is
not clear who will win. Azerbaijan’s diplomacy must be on alert and
Azerbaijani servicemen must be prepared. It is unclear what’s happening
and I think we should consolidate our efforts both in diplomacy and
military issues, as the outcome may not be too favourable for the
Azerbaijani side.

Considering the weight and influence of the Catholicos, may his
current visit lead to any changes in Yerevan’s position?

His influence on Armenian policy is no less than the influence of
the Orthodox Church on Russia’s policy. I would even say that his
influence is bigger than the influence of the Orthodox Church. I think
we should be ready for anything. In this case, we do not want to be
too optimistic, because we have repeatedly seen the signs of perfidy
of the political leadership of this country and we have witnessed
the way they change the essence of negotiations and use everything
for their aggressive goals. Therefore, the Azerbaijani side should
be very active, very flexible and very consistent. Meanwhile, our
servicemen must be ready for any changes in the situation.

During the summit, the chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Department,
Allahshukur Pashazade, and Garegin ll supported dialogue at different
levels. Is it possible to say that Armenian-Azerbaijani relations
are improving?

When someone, a head of a church, who has been supporting terror for
years, speaks of peace, it is inconsistent. I think the Armenian
Church must admit its guilt, as has the Catholic Church which has
apologized for its crimes. The Armenian Church must also confess
its numerous crimes and terror against Azerbaijan and the whole
non-Armenian population, because we have not heard the Armenian
Church condemning the atrocities committed in Khojaly. Without this,
Garegin’s statements about peace, neighbourly relations and readiness
for dialogue seem insincere to me.

You said that you do not believe Garegin’s sincerity. What do you
think is the aim of his visit to Baku?

I think this is not the result of Garegin’s own intentions in
Azerbaijan, but a power play by the head of the Orthodox Church,
Patriarch Kirill. In so doing, he shows that the Russian Orthodox
Church is so strong today that it can even bring the Armenian religious
leader to Azerbaijan. This is remarkable, especially considering that
Russia is increasing its dominance in the Caucasus in all areas.

Speaking at the summit, Garegin said he would like to hold a service
in the Armenian church in Baku, which he visited. Doesn’t this show
that he wants to set up contacts?

It is quite clear that Garegin has such a wish. We have always been
convinced that churches and mosques are God’s houses and they are
not guilty for human actions and must be neutral. But Azerbaijani
religious people also dream of performing namaz in thousands of temples
in Armenia and Karabakh. However, cows are currently pastured in the
mosques in Karabakh. I think our religious people must also express
their wish to pray in the lands from which Azerbaijanis have been
driven away.

Hovhannisian John:
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