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Daniel Varoujan Hejinian honored at the Massachusetts State House

Peace of Art
Fort Point P.O.Box 52416
Boston, MA 02205

On Friday April 23rd 2010 Daniel Varoujan Hejinian was honored at the
Massachusetts State House and received the Senate and House of
Representatives Resolutions for his lifelong efforts to promote peace
through his works of art.

Daniel Varoujan Hejinian has dedicated his life to promoting peace
through his works of art. He’s internationally known for his romantic
expressionist paintings, which transcend the boundaries of place and
time. Varoujan has combined the experiences of his heritage with his
remarkable talent as an artist to promote peace. He communicates human
suffering and triumph though his artwork to bring about positive change.

Daniel Varoujan Hejinian founded Peace of Art, Inc. to use art as a tool
to bring awareness to the universal human condition. In 2009, he
unveiled his "Colors of Liberty" exhibit at the Massachusetts State
House which included his painting, "The Missing Stripes", dedicated to
those Americans who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Varoujan is
a gifted artist, mentor and inspiration to the Armenian-American
community in the Commonwealth. The Massachusetts General Court
recognized Daniel Varoujan Hejinian’s "many contributions to the
Armenian-American community and his lifelong work to bring about peace
and justice through his works of art."

Tadevosian Garnik:
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