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Public Council Says Status Of "Moscow" Summer Hall Must Be Restored



YEREVAN, APRIL 28, ARMENPRESS: The Public Council finds that the
summer hall of "Moscow" cinema must be restored in the list of the
historic-cultural values preserved by the state. This decision was made
today at the session of the Public Council. Chairman of the Council
Vazgen Manukyan said the issue was discussed in 4 sub-commissions of
the council and few suggestions have been presented.

Chairman of the Public Council’s urban development and architectural
issues sub-commission Grigor Azizyan, presenting the results of the
discussion over the issue, noted that the summer hall of the "Moscow"
cinema built in 1960s is one of the best works of the Armenian
architecture. He said that the sub-commission has unanimously made
decision to annul the decision of the government on taking it out of
the list of historic-cultural values and restore the status of the
monument of republican importance.

Chairman of the council’s religion, diaspora and international
integration affairs Ruben Safrastyan noted that this sub-commission too
discussed this issue and it was suggested to abstain from making any
decision calling to continue the talks between the Armenian Apostolic
Church and architects.

Member of the Public Council Khosrov Harutyunyan said that the
architects fact that the summer hall is one of the valuable works
of architecture and it must be preserved. He also spoke in favor of
restoring the former status of the hall.

Another member of the council Karen Bekaryan suggested that besides
restoring the status of the hall, hand it to the Armenian Apostolic
Church for using it as a cultural, spiritual center.

"We do not want to create an impression that we are against the
church, not at all. We wish to discuss the issue on destroying or
not destroying the summer hall. I have met His Holiness Catholicos
Karekin II, and I want to say that he too is concerned with the issue,"
chairman of the Public Council said.

As a result of hot discussions the Public Council put the issue
for voting – whether to restore the former status of the "Moscow"
cinema’s summer hall or abstain from making any decision, calling to
the Armenian Church and architects continue negotiations. As a result
of the voting decision has been made to restore the status.

Tashjian Arbi:
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