Alternative Program On Teghut Development Discussed In Yerevan


2010-04-28 19:00:00

An alternative program on Teghut development was discussed in Yerevan

The author of the program, Rouben Shaghkyan, said that the program
consists of 11 items, including beekeeping development, creation
of blackberry and rosehip plantations, introduction of wasteless
wood processing, opening of wine-and-vodka production, as well as
establishment of cooperation with local canneries. The launch of
the given program will allow opening new job positions. According
to Shaghkyan, the representatives of the state structures he had met
earlier positively assessed the draft program.

To note, by the copper reserves, Teghut is the second largest
deposit in Armenia, after the Kajaran one. According to preliminary
estimations, ore reserves in the deposit make up 450 mln tons, copper
reserves – 1,6 mln tons, with the average content being 0,355%, and
molybdenum reserves make up 99 thsd tons, with the average content
being 0,021%. The ACP program on development of the Teghut copper-
molybdenum deposit was approved by the Armenian Government in
November 2007.

In summer 2009 Ecodar NGO, Helsinki Citizens Assembly Vanadzor Office
and Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center applied to the
Administrative Court against the Armenian Government. The ground for
the claim was that when approving the project on development of the
Teghut copper-molybdenum deposit, the Armenian Government violated
the Armenian legislation, as well as international conventions and
articles of the Armenian Constitution. On March 24 the Administrative
Court rejected the claim on Teghut.