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NKR: Genocide Is Panturkism In Operation

Leonid Martirosyan

Azat Artsakh Newspaper
April 26, 2010
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

On April 24th all progressive humanity celebrated tragic date –
the 95th anniversary of the Genocide of Armenians in Ottoman Empire.

Memorial services and processions passed in many cities of the
world… In many countries… There were memory meetings, meetings
of reminders, protest meetings. On April 24th, from the earliest
morning people, citizens of Armenia and Artsakh – groups or one by one
went to pay a tribute of respect to innocent killed old men, women,
children – the Armenians living ninety five and more years ago in
the territory of modern Turkey. In Yerevan the stream of people was
pulled to Tsitsernakaberd, in Stepanakert – to the Memorial complex.

People put flowers on monuments and once again reminded the world
of one and a half millions shot, strangled, crucified, raped
Armenians of the Western Armenia who had become victims of the
criminal policy of young Turks. And the world once again will
shudder for the horror created by fanatics of panturkism in the
beginning of the last century. The world will shudder and once again
will call things by their proper names. The genocide will be called
genocide. How this crime against humanity is designated in United
Nations documents. And, probably, on what would be desirable to hope,
other fair people of a planet will join to the voices of the people,
who have already recognized the Genocide of the Armenian people in
Ottoman Turkey. And really it is necessary to hope for it, because
already in the Turkey are sounded more loudly voices of Turks, whose
consciences are tormented with crimes of their predecessors, whose
hands are empurpled by blood of innocent people. In Turkey already
there are people who, feeling a huge pain for ruthlessly destroyed,
fellow citizens, urge the others to divide this pain. Unfortunately,
as though loudly these fair voices sounded, they are muffled by others’
voices. In modern Turkey still dominates aggressive incite against
Armenia and the Armenian world. And Turkish authorities give tone to
this aggression.

The governmental circles of Turkey in any way do not wish to recognize
monstrous crimes of the past, in any way do not wish to listen to
reason of world community, do not think even of, at least evil deed.

Moreover, in Armenian-Turkish relations even a paradoxical
situation has been created. In relation to Armenia Turkey is adjusted
aggressively, even spitefully. And after all, apparently, all should be
on the contrary. Turks carried out genocide, Turks destroyed Armenians,
and at a Turk the misanthropic doctrine of eradication of Armenians
as the nations was preached. But at Turks hatred to Armenians and all
Armenian today prevails. Thus the same Turks like to argue today on
tolerance, about peaceful disposition, about the European standards
and civilized relations. By what is not a paradox?

However, there is no paradox .Because if to exclude those fair Turks,
who listen to the conscience, who urge to recognize the Genocide not
for the sake of diplomatic shifts, and at heart’s bidding, so in all
the rest Turkey has remained the same Turkey. And at all there is no
difference how to name it – Ottoman or modern.

Because not the country name reflects on its essence, but conducting
of such state policy which defines its place in a world civilization.

Today the state policy of Turkey differs by nothing from a state
policy of Ottoman Empire. There is no need here and now to interfere
in historical-cultural urological layers of a mentioned theme: it is
an object of research of historians and politicians, however all the
same it costs to mention one important aspect of the characteristic
of Turkish statehood. It’s about panturkism as that. Some experts and
"Turkologists" are for some reason inclined to consider panturkism as
a chimera, a weak echo of the past. As those representatives of the
Turkish people who are ready to recognize errors of the past, probably,
think so and do not amuse themselves by hopes on Great Turan. Actually
the geopolitical doctrine of Turkey and in whole its state policy have
not undergone any changes. The ominous phantom of the ideologist of
young turks doctor Nazim still soars in the governmental offices of
Turkey. As acknowledgement to the told can serve the tightened history
with the notorious Armenian-Turkish reports, proceeding blockade of
Armenia by Turkey, and by all ways, including the military, barefaced
support to Aliev’s totalitarian-expansionist regime in Azerbaijan. So
the ideology of panturkism has not sunk into oblivion, it is till now
a reality and rather serious factor during discussion of geopolitical
situations – not only in the region, but also behind its borders. A
factor about which it is necessary to be quite earnestly. And it,
in particular, means, that the Genocide theme should not be limited
only by struggle for its international recognition. This theme should
sound all time. Together with a genocide of our days – "Sumgait",
"Baku", "Kirovabad", "Maragha" and other crimes of Azerbaijan.
Do you remember their slogan: "One people – two states"? Let’s add –
two massacre states.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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