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2+2=5 Or 6:How? Explains Turkish FM Spokesperson Burak Ozugergin



In the near future Turkey has not planned anything pertaining Armenia,
Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesperson Burak Ozugergin said, referring
to a draft bill recently adopted on the Israeli Knesset agenda
recognizing the Armenian Genocide.

"As it was in the past we hope that the bill will not yield any fruit
this time either. There has been no change in our approach towards
the parliaments that condemn the history. It would be far better if
historians dealt with history," said Ozugergin.

Speaking about recent publications in the mass media about the
Karabakh conflict Ozugergin said: "The impression is that by signing
the Protocols and by starting the normalization process we can no
longer be interested in the Karabakh conflict."

"This logic cannot be perceived: we signed the Protocols and for
that reason we stop being interested in the region, focusing all our
attention on normalizing relations with Armenia. This is a strange
logic. By normalizing the relations with Armenia we should not have
losses in Karabakh and vice versa. In mathematics 2+2 always equals
to 4. But in international relations that sum may be equal to 5 or 6.

Peace in the Caucasus is something like that. The results to be
achieved will be far bigger, should relations between Armenia and
Azerbaijan normalize and should we normalize relations with Armenia
too. That is what we want to ensure," said Ozugergin.

Jidarian Alex:
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