RA President’s Address -unjustified Move


April 29, 2010 – 10:50 AMT 05:50 GMT

Rapprochement protocols might serve Armenia’s interests, according
to Republic party board member Suren Surenyants.

"I believe, Armenia’s political system might see significant progress
in case of Armenia-Turkey border opening. However, presidential
statement on suspension of Protocols ratification put an end to any
possibility of progress; no excessive intellectual potential being
necessary to preserve power."

Surenyants characterized presidential statement on ratification
suspension as unjustified move, fraught with negative consequences
for Armenia. "According to Turkish Foreign Minister, Karabakh conflict
settlement will be the main issue on the agenda of his oncoming visit
to Russia. Clearly, Armenia will not be involved in Turkey-Russia
negotiations on the issue," he emphasized.

Dwelling on international recognition of Genocide, Surenyants noted
it would be more reasonable if the issue was withdrawn from Armenia’s
foreign policy agenda. "Currently, the issue has become, with our
permission, an object for superpowers to gamble with," he said.

Commenting on the role of Russia in regional issues, Surenyants noted
that Russia has to maintain status quo to retain its influence.

"Armenian authorities must consider requesting withdrawal of Russian
military bases from RA, our safety guarantor being not Russian military
men, but normalizing ties with our neighbors."

As for internal political issues, Surenyants stated that in case
of early elections, ANC will come out in a united front; in case of
regular elections, participation of separate political forces within
ANC can’t be ruled out.

When questioned by reporters on the failure of ANC to raise the issue
of violation of Javahk Armenians rights in Georgia, he responded that
the opposition should first of all struggle to get the problems inside
Armenia solved. "The issue of Javahk Armenians rights can be resolved
through their integration and Georgia’s democratization," he stated.