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Chinese President Meets with Armenian President

May 2 2010

Chinese President Meets with Armenian President
2010-05-02 20:13:52 Xinhua Web Editor: Zhao Lixia

Chinese President Hu Jintao met with his Armenian counterpart Serzh
Sarkisyan Sunday in a string of high-level meetings with foreign
dignitaries on the sideline of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.

China and Armenia have become trustworthy friends and sincere partners
since they established diplomatic relations 18 years ago, Hu said.

He said the two countries have always treated each other as equals,
supported each other and sought mutual benefits in their cooperation.

China is willing to work with Armenia to enhance communication and
consultation by increasing exchanges between the governments,
parliaments and political parties, and cement coordination and
cooperation in international and regional affairs to safeguard their
mutual interest, Hu said.

He said the two countries should seek concrete cooperation in energy,
telecommunication and power industries, and keep expanding cooperation
in a bid to promote their economies.

Hu also called for more people-to-people exchanges, such as exchange
of visits between their artistic troupes and other non-governmental
organizations, to enhance understanding and friendship between the two

Sarkisyan spoke highly of the all-round cooperation and trade
relations with China.

The president said he admires China for its constructive role in
international and regional affairs and feels grateful for China’s
support to Armenia.

Armenia and China enjoy immense potentials for further cooperation,
said Sarkisyan, adding that his country is willing to work with China
to complement each other, expand cooperation and increase exchanges.


Tamamian Anna:
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