Karabakh – cornerstone for Erdogan

news.am, Armenia
May 1 2010

Karabakh – cornerstone for Erdogan

11:08 / 05/01/2010Turkey accepts the `no preconditions’ concept in
Armenia-Turkey normalization process, but gives priority to peace in
the region, which is impossible without the resolution of the
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan
stated in his address to the nation.

Commenting on his meeting with RA President Serzh Sargsyan on the
sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the Turkish
Premier said he informed the Armenian leader of Turkey’s sincere
efforts to normalize the bilateral relations and expect Armenia to
show similar sincerity. Turkey clearly stated its expectations from
Azerbaijan and Armenia and underlined the importance of steps that
would facilitate the resolution of the conflict. However, the
normalization process will end in stalemate if the Armenia-Azerbaijan
conflict remains unsettled.

Commenting on Armenia’s suspending the ratification process, the
Turkish Premier said it is up to Armenia to decide. But Turkey has not
changed its stance aimed at settling the problem and remained
committed to the letter and spirit of the Protocols, Erdogan declared.
