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730243-nagornokarabakh-before-the-parliamentary-el ections-a-sociological-survey
May 3 2010
Parliamentary elections in Nagorno-Karabakh Republic on May 23
completed the victory of the three political forces in that country,
said today in Yerevan, director of the independent sociological center
"Sociometer" Aharon Adibekyan.
Referring to the data held April 8-10 in the NKR poll, he said
that his party "free homeland" in the election could recruit 39%
of voters, the Democratic Party of Artsakh โ 36%, the party ARF โ
25%. According Adibekian, thus the alignment of forces in the new
Karabakh parliament will meet Western European standards, indicating
that the current real democracy in Nagorno Karabakh, which can not
be exchanged for a hereditary democracy Azeri model. "
According Adibekian should expect to 57,5%-ing the activity of
NK electorate. According to the poll, for the upcoming elections,
followed 57% of respondents. According to the survey, the work of the
NKR President commended the 92,5% of respondents, the Prime Minister โ
76%, the Speaker of Parliament -73.5%, authorities โ 54,3%. Compared
with the presidential elections of 2007 the current rating Karabakh
President Bako Sahakyan grew by 10% to 94,5%.
The poll was conducted in Stepanakert, the 6 regional centers and
28 villages of Nagorno-Karabakh with the participation of 1,408
respondents, suggesting that the 97% reliability of the results of
the survey.
From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress