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Promising Renewable Energies In Syria

R. Raslan, R. Jazaeri

AWYA20100503052933/Promising%20Renewable%20Energie s%20in%20Syria%20
May 2 2010

Syria is working on investing and developing solar and wind energies
to meet the increasing demand on energy in light of the population
growth and the economic, industrial and agricultural expansion.

Syrian Ministry of Higher Education has launched many programs on
renewable energy to be studied at the faculties of electrical,
mechanic and technical engineering and in the institutes and
postgraduate programs.

Research and training energy centers have been established in Damascus,
Aleppo, Tishreen and al-Baath universities.

Syrian institutes and research centers have conducted many studies
on new types of renewable energies and the required infrastructure
to invest them.

In a statement to SANA, Head of the Higher Institute for Applied
Sciences and Technology Wael Khansa said "we conducted research on
producing biodiesel from consumed frying oil and the results were
good. Now we are studying the possibility of carrying out this

The Institute worked on drawing a sunlight map in cooperation with
Armenia. The project aims at linking the sunlight map in Syria and
Armenia to invest solar power and use it in heating and cooling water,
Khansa said.

He added that an international conference on renewable energy would
be held regularly every two years to exchange scientific researches
and experiences.

Researchers who participated in the International Conference on New
and Renewable Energy said that Syria is rich in natural resources
that could be invested to generate new types of energy.

Vasilian Manouk:
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