Artsrun Aghajanyan: Armenia Warned Turkey


May 5 2010

In the first round of the normalization of the Armenian – Turkish
relations Armenia appeared as a trustful companion, the steps
of which were welcomed by the big countries and international
organization, thinks the member of the NA "Orinats Yerkir" faction
Artsrun Aghajanyan.

"The work done in connection with the normalization process of the
Armenian – Turkish relations should be assessed positively. In spite
of the opinions of the pessimists who said if problems occurred
during the protocols the international recognition of the Genocide
would be omitted, it became heard by the international community,"
he said during the press conference.

According to the speaker, "because of the wrong policy of the Turkish
government" the halting of the ratification process of the protocols
by RA President Sargsyan "was correct."

"It was a warning by the Armenian Republic directed to the Turkish
authorities, for them to treat the problem seriously," he said,
mentioning that the process will still have a continuation.