New York Will Commemorate Hrant Dink

11:48 06.05.10

A charity concert is planned on May 8 to take place in New York
dedicated in memory of Hrant Dink, former slain Chief Editor of the
Istanbul-based bilingual daily Agos.

According to Turkish local Gumhurriyet the concert will be organized
by American Turkish Society-ATS and Moon and Stars Project and will
be dedicated to the third anniversary of the assassination of Dink
in Istanbul.

The concert will take place in Kaye Playhouse concert hall in New
York. Among other songs to be performed will be one from Against
Hatred album jointly prepared by Armenian singer Arthur Tunj Boyajyan
and Yasar Kurt, a famous rock artist of Armenian origin.

All the funds to be raised during this concert will be sent to Hrant
Dink international fund created by Dink’s family after his killing.