Adam Schiff Launches Armenian Genocide Congressional Record Campaign

12:05 07.05.10

US Congress Republican Senator Adam Schiff (D-CA) launched on Wednesday
an effort to parallel H. Res. 252, the Congressional resolution he
introduced to recognize and commemorate the Armenian Genocide, by
calling on survivors of the genocide carried out by the Ottoman Empire
from 1915 to 1923, as well as their family members and descendants, to
submit their stories and memories for inclusion into the Congressional
Record, reports

Survivors of the genocide and their families from throughout the
country are encouraged to send Congressman Schiff the story of what
happened to their family during the genocide. The Congressman will
then make these accounts part of the Congressional Record – the
nation’s enduring record of proceedings before Congress.

All stories can be sent to Mary Hovagimian in the Congressman’s
Pasadena office. She can be reached at:

"Let us fill the Congressional Record with the personal histories of
those who survived the genocide and their families," Rep. Schiff said.

"While there are still some survivors left, we can use the official
record of the Congress to document the first genocide of the last
century. This can become an important resource for historians, a
vital part of our nation’s archives, and a part of the continuing
effort to educate Members of Congress as we move forward with the
genocide resolution."

While the Armenian Genocide has been recognized by more than 20 nations
including Canada, Italy, Sweden, France, Argentina and Russia, as well
as the European Parliament, it has not been formally recognized by
the U.S. Congress in decades and, most importantly, by Turkey itself.

Congressman Schiff is the primary sponsor of H. Res. 252, the
Affirmation of the U.S. Record on the Armenian Genocide, which calls
on the President and the U.S. Government to properly recognize the
atrocities that occurred in Armenia beginning in 1915, and which
resulted in 1.5 million deaths, as genocide.

On April 22, Rep. Schiff sent a letter to President Obama, again urging
him to properly characterize the murder of 1.5 million Armenian men,
women and children as "genocide" in his statement marking the April
24 anniversary of the start of the genocide.

On April 24, Rep. Schiff joined members of the community to commemorate
the Armenian Genocide.

Rep. Schiff is also the co-author of the California State law allowing
family members of Armenian Genocide victims to request payment on the
life-insurance policies of relatives. He represents California’s 29th
Congressional District, which includes the communities of Alhambra,
Altadena, Burbank, East Pasadena, East San Gabriel, Glendale, Monterey
Park, Pasadena, San Gabriel, South Pasadena and Temple City.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS