Manvel Badalyan: No Pressure On Authorities’ Part

May 10 2010

The Armenian laws regulating the civil service grants the necessary
independence to the Civil Service Council staff to oppose pressure
and work honestly, Council Chairman Manvel Badalyan told a press

He stressed that he has never been pressured by the top officials since
he was appointed eight years ago, as the authorities are concerned
with the formation of a civil service system in Armenia. "My relatives
and friends have exerted pressure on me. But I cannot go beyond the
limit even for my nearest and dearest," Badalyan said. He pointed out
repeated attempts of placing people in a job by the "party membership"
principle since the coalition government was formed in Armenia. "Almost
all the ministers and heads of agencies try to get their party mates
employed by party leaders’ orders. I have the impression that they are
defending their parties’ interests rather than the state interests. I
said it at the Government’s sitting," Badalyan said. He pointed out
that he has raisied the problem several times and will go on doing
so until it has been resolved. Badalyan pointed out a need for a
provision in the coalition memorandum which would prohibit members
of political parties from working at the civil service.

He pointed out his personal contribution to the improvement of
the system. "In some cases staff members of the RA Presidential
Administration, heads of departments and agencies failed the exams we
conducted for them – 250 people were dismissed from various government
agencies," Badalyan said. He said that about 20% of the applicants
fail the exams.