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ASA Mother’s Day Luncheon

Armenian Sisters Academy
440 Upper Gulph Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Contact: Susan Pogharian
Tel: 610-757-7090
Fax: 610-687-2450
E-mail: SPogharian@asaphila.org

One of the many harbingers of spring at the Academy is the annual
Mother’s Day Luncheon hosted by the Ladies Auxiliary. Over 150 guests,
including parents, grandparents and friends came to enjoy each others
company and a delicious homemade luncheon.

This luncheon was especially touching as Dorothy Sookiasian, devoted
30-year secretary, board member, Ladies Auxiliary member and ardent
Academy supporter, was honored posthumously. Her husband Nazareth was in
attendance to hear wonderful words spoken about his beloved wife.

Even before the prayer, Sister Louisa said a few words about her dearly
missed friend and mentor. Sister explained how she was very young when
she came to the United States first as a teacher and then as principal
of the Academy. Dottie made the transition an easy one for Sister and
they worked side-by-side for the next 30 years. Dottie was like a second
mother to Sister and was always there for her. Dottie was an
extraordinary asset to the Academy and was one of the founders of the
Ladies Auxiliary. Even in the last few days of her life, she was happy
to hear about the Academy’s new sister, Sister Hovanna. Dottie’s
advice to her `Just love the children and be good to them’. Many
alumni remember her fondly as the person they’d go to on the way to
Sister’s office. Sister concluded, `We are lucky to have had her and
know she is watching over all of us from heaven. In many ways, she is
still with us’.

On behalf of the alumni and early Academy graduates, Melissa Selverian
gave Nazareth Sookiasian and his family a small plaque in appreciation
for all Dottie did for the Academy. `She was more than a secretary,
Board Member and Ladies Auxiliary member,’ said Melissa, `She was
always concerned for students and graduates, wanting to know about their
lives after ASA. She emulated her father, who believed that being an
Armenian came first and everything else came second. I hope we can all
continue to do that in her honor.’

This year’s Mother of the Year was Marie Yeremian, who has had 8 of
her 10 grandchildren pass through the Academy halls. A long term Ladies
Auxiliary member, and excellent cook, she was touched to have her four
children and their spouses and several grandchildren share the honor
with her. In a tear-filled thank you, she attributed her grandchildren
as the source of her strength.

After a lovely lunch, guests were entertained by the Montessori students
singing `Anoush Mayrig", She’ll be Coming Round the Mountain (where
`she’ll’ enjoy chicken and pilaf when she comes!’) and finally,
they enacted the song `Babigun oo Shokhgamuh’, or Grandfather and
the Turnip. First Babig, then Mamig, Tornig, Shounig, and Psig all pull
on the stubborn shokhgam. It was when the mgnig finally joined in the
tugging that the vegetable popped out. The audience chuckled as the
children sang sometimes with their mouths and sometimes with their
bodies. Can we ever tire of watching these cherubs?!

This was followed by the first and second grade students enacting the
play Yerginkuh Pool Gookah, or the story of `Chicken Little’ which
has little `joudig’ (chick) convincing her friends that the sky is
falling. When they tell the fox about the problem, he promptly gobbles
them up! To wrap up the program, second graders recited the poem

Over a delicious bourma dessert, Auxiliary chairlady Shnorik Karakelian
informed the crowd that the Sookiasian and Yeremian families each
donated $1,000 in memory of Dottie and in honor of Marie. The Ladies
Auxiliary, in turn, consistently donates to the Academy throughout the
school year. Sister Louisa thanked the ladies for their hard work and
also thanked the attendees for supporting the ladies in their numerous
events. Over dessert, 34 beautiful gift baskets, made and donated by
Academy grandparent and Ladies Auxiliary member Ani Semerjian, were
raffled off, creating 34 extra-happy attendees!

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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