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President Sargsyan Receives Jacques Diouf


19:01 13/05/2010


Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan received today Secretary General
of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization Jacques Diouf who is
in Armenia to participate in the 27th regional conference of FAO,
President’s press office reported.

Welcoming the conduction of the conference in Armenia, President
Sargsyan highly evaluated the efforts of the organization directed
toward bringing the undernourishment rate in the world to the
minimum and its overcoming. The leader of the country highlighted the
contribution of the organization to the increase of the livelihood
level in rural areas, ensuring of food security, production of
agricultural goods and in general in the development of agriculture.

Noting that in one of its reports the organization highly assessed
Armenia’s efforts toward the development of agriculture, Serzh
Sargsyan said that "In these certain achievements we see the role of
your organization, these are the results of bilateral cooperation."

On behalf of the organization and its member states, Jacques Diouf
thanked for hosting and organizing the meetings on high level. "We
are glad from the level of bilateral cooperation," FAO Secretary
General said, considering the best testimony of it the volume of the
implemented joint programs and provided resources. He also greeted
Armenia’s progress registered toward overcoming the poverty.

Jacques Diouf assured that the organization is ready to continue
assisting the development of Armenia’s agriculture. President Serzh
Sargsyan highlighted the cooperation not only in respect of financial
assistance but also in respect of experience, working culture which
the organization brings to Armenia.

Torosian Aram:
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