20.05.2010 14:46
Young representatives of national minorities in Armenia organized an
exhibition on their community life, cultural traditions and history,
which was dedicated to the International Day for Cultural Diversity
for Dialogue and Development.
The exhibition was followed by the presentation of innovative projects,
developed by the young leaders of minority communities.
These projects are focused on community development and strengthening
cultural dialogue among minorities and mainstreaming society.
The fair is a final event of two month programme, organized by the UN
DPI, Government Staff Department of National Minority and Religious
Affairs, the UN Association and supported by the Ministry of Sport
and Youth Affairs. The project was funded by the UN Office of High
Commissioner on Human Rights, Geneva.
UN DPI Representative Ms. Maria Dotsenko said: "UN DPI is pleased to
support projects that help national minorities to be well integrated
into the mainstream society and enjoy equal rights with their fellow
ethnic Armenians. Especially I am glad that youth took part in the
project and improved their communication and leadership skills which
will be used for the further benefit of their communities."
Mr. Vardan Astsatryan, Head of Government Staff Department of National
Minority and Religious Affairs said: "A lot has been done by the
Government of Armenia to integrate national minorities. Help of the
international community in this area is essential, since there is
more work ahead of us. I would like to thank UN DPI and Armenian UN
Association for their partnership and initiatives addressed to the
youth of minorities."
Ms. Armine Podosyan, President of the UN Association added: "I am
confident that young leaders of minority communities will use newly
obtained skills to become more active members of the society. I am
looking forward to see results of implementation of these interesting
The training was conducted by the trainers from the UN Association
in cooperation with local and international experts: Suren Zolyan,
Hranush Kharatyan, Vigen Kocharyan, Avetik Ishkhanyan, John Yancura.
Officials from the Ministries of Education and Science, Sport and Youth
Affairs, as well as representatives from international organizations
and civil society also participated in the project.
The event is initiated by the UN DPI within the framework of
International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding and
International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.