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RA Defense Ministry: Azerbaijan threatens again

Aysor, Armenia
May 22 2010

RA Defense Ministry: Azerbaijan threatens again

Yesterday the Azerbaijani Medias spread a provocative statement of the
press speaker of the Azerbaijani Defense Minister about the Armenian
Army. By this statement it tries to condemn Armenia in violating the
ceasefire and shooting at the Azerbaijani positions. On this concern
the RA Defense Ministry spread a release which says:

`The Azerbaijani propaganda continues spreading false information for
hiding the screaming facts of murders and suicides that takes place in
their own army and puts the blame of losses on the Armenian side. The
frequency of the accidents and deaths in Azerbaijani army grows and is
presented as skirmish.’

In this concern the RA Defense Ministry iforms that the Armenian Armed
Forces keep the regime of ceasefire and take up actions only for
restraining the encroachments of the rival.

In the same time the Defense Ministry informs that the subdivisions of
the Armenian Army are wakeful and careful, and even the smallest
attempt of the rival to break the boarder will be punished, informed
the press and information department of the Armenian Foreign Ministry.

Chakhmakhchian Vatche:
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