Armenian National Committee
Glendale Chapter
211 W. Chestnut St., Suite 302
Glendale, CA 91204
Contact: Elen Asatryan
Phone: 818.243.3444 work/ 818.523.8389 cell
May 2, 2011
ANC-Glendale to Host Teenagers and the Law Community Forum
Glendale, CA – The Armenian National Committee of Glendale in partnership
with Der-Parseghian Law group and Document Preparation solutions will host a
free educational forum for parents and students entitled “Teenagers and the
Law”. The event is scheduled to take place Wednesday, May 11, 2011,
7:00pm-8:30pm at the Glendale Youth Center (211 W. Chestnut St. Glendale, CA
“We are thrilled to partner with Der-Parseghian Law Group and Document
Preparation Solutions on this very important endeavor, which will provide
parents and students a thorough explanation of laws pertaining to teenagers
and most importantly the rights parents and students have within the
judicial system and our local school district,” commented ANC-Glendale
Executive Director, Elen Asatryan. “Too often, we see young adults on the
other side of the law because they just didn’t know. We hope to increase
awareness and provide direction to our community’s most vulnerable subset,
our children,” added Asatryan.
Forum will inform parents and students on laws pertaining to age of
majority, privacy, social networking, supervision, parents’ rights, driving,
parties, alcohol, smoking, curfew laws, drugs, emancipation, weapons, as
well as parents’ and students’ rights within the Glendale Unified School
District. The event is open to the public and will be conducted in English
and Armenian.
“It’s gratifying and worthwhile to administer community workshops and inform
parents, grandparents and youngsters on issues that influence their daily
lives. When a business genuinely gives back to a community; every person
gets empowered in a sense of appreciation, reliance and social inclusion,”
noted, Arick Gevorkian of DPS, Inc.
For more information contact the ANC-Glendale Chapter offices at (818)
The Armenian National Committee – Glendale Chapter advocates for the social,
economic, cultural, and political rights of the city’s Armenian American
community and promotes increased civic participation at the grassroots and
public policy levels.
From: A. Papazian