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ANCA thanks legislators for their inquiries on Azerbaijan’s satellit

news.am, Armenia
May 14 2011

ANCA thanks legislators for their inquiries on Azerbaijan’s satellite

May 14, 2011 | 12:49

Legislators, citing Azerbaijan’s threats and acts of aggression
against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, continue to press for greater
scrutiny of a recent decision by the Export-Import Bank to finance a
controversial satellite purchase by the oil-rich government of Ilham
Aliyev, reported the Armenian National Committee of America.

`We want to thank Senator Kirk and Congressman Sherman for seeking to
ensure that there are safeguards in place against Azerbaijan using the
new capabilities provided by this U.S.-financed satellite to act on
their threat to shoot down Armenian civilian airliners or to re-launch
their war against Nagorno-Karabakh,’ said Aram Hamparian, Executive
Director of the ANCA.

Last week Ex-Im Bank responded in writing to questions posed by
Senator Mark Kirk and wrote a detailed letter replying to Senator Jack
Reed’s inquiries.

nina hovnanian:
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