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AGBU Egypt District President Berdj Terzian Honored in Cairo

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Monday, May 16, 2011

AGBU Egypt District President Berdj Terzian Honored in Cairo

The chairman of AGBU Egypt’s District Committee and honorary chairman of
AGBU’s Cairo Chapter, Berdj Terzian, was recently honored for his
long-term commitment and contribution to the Armenian community around
the world. On April 24, 2011, following Easter Mass at the St. Gregory
the Illuminator Armenian Church in Cairo, Terzian received the Sts.
Sahag & Mesrob Medal of Honor according to the encyclical issued by His
Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, on October 27, 2010 at
the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. The Sts. Sahag & Mesrob medal is one
of the highest honors of the Armenian Church and is awarded for
significant achievements in communal, academic, educational, and
literary activities dedicated to the Armenian cause and to the

Two weeks later, on May 8, around 90 people gathered at the Belekdanian
Hall in Cairo to once again honor Berdj Terzian, this time at an award
ceremony and cocktail reception. AGBU’s Central Board bestowed on
Terzian the title of “AGBU Honor Member,” which is given to individuals
who have rendered extraordinary services to AGBU.

The event, which was organized by AGBU Cairo, was attended by His Grace
Bishop Ashot Mnatsaganian, Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church in
Egypt; His Grace Bishop Monsignor Krikor Augustinos Coussan, Primate of
the Armenian Catholic Community in Egypt; His Excellency Armen
Melkonian, the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Egypt, and his
wife; numerous members of the Cairo Diocesan Council; and many board
members of local Armenian institutions, clubs and organizations, as well
as the honoree’s close friends and relatives.

An introductory address was given by AGBU Cairo chairman Viken
Djizmedjian, who also presented the AGBU Honor Member certificate to the
distinguished guest. There was a reading of the Pontifical Encyclical by
Reverend Father Hagop Hagopian, pastor of the Armenian Apostolic Church
in Cairo, and a reading by AGBU’s President Berge Setrakian, who shared
congratulatory letters addressed to Terzian. Onnig Belekdanian,
vice-chairman of AGBU Cairo and member of the AGBU Egypt District
Committee, presented Terzian with a commemorative plate on behalf of
AGBU Cairo.

Others also spoke and shared their thoughts of Terzian’s decades of
service, including longtime friend Norayr Deuvletian, Armen Melkonian,
His Grace Bishop Monsignor Krikor Augustinos Coussan, and His Grace
Bishop Ashot Mnatsaganian. They each praised the work and deeds of
Terzian, giving accounts of personal and professional experiences that
they had shared with him, and stressing his important work for Armenians

Subsequently, the evening’s honoree took to the floor to express his
gratitude to His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, AGBU
President Setrakian, and all members of the AGBU Central Board of
Directors. He conveyed his personal appreciation for the bestowment of
his distinguished awards, and he thanked everyone in attendance for
supporting these distinct honors and coming out to celebrate.

Berdj Terzian has been serving the Armenian Church in Egypt as a member
of its Diocesan Council for several decades, as a member of the Diocesan
Board of Education, a member of Nubarian School’s Board of Trustees, and
eventually as the Chairman of the Armenian Apostolic Church’s Executive
Committee from 2003 to 2006. Terzian is known for his marked
contribution to AGBU’s Egypt district and Cairo chapter for nearly five
decades as a member and a chairman. He is also revered for his vigorous
involvement in various Armenian-related editorial activities in both the
Armenian and Arabic languages. He is especially noted for his relentless
pursuit of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide through his numerous
writings and two published books.

Established in 1906, AGBU () is the world’s largest
non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New York City, AGBU
preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and heritage through
educational, cultural and humanitarian program, annually touching the
lives of some 400,000 Armenians around the world.

For more information about AGBU and its worldwide programs, please visit

nina hovnanian:
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