Anca Welcomes Arrest Of Indicted Genocide Perpetrator

ANCA Welcomes Arrest of Indicted Genocide Perpetrator

Armenian Weekly
Thu, May 26 2011

WASHINGTON-The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) welcomed
the Serbian government’s arrest, today, of Ratko Mladic, a former
Serbian General who spent 15 years as a fugitive from justice after
being charged in 1995 by the International Criminal Tribunal for
the former Yugoslavia with genocide, war crimes, and crimes against
humanity during the Bosnian War.


“We join Armenians throughout the United States and around the world in
welcoming today’s arrest by the Serbian government of indicted genocide
perpetrator General Ratko Mladic,” said ANCA executive director Aram
Hamparian. “The differences between Serbia’s and Turkey’s response to
genocide could not be greater: The Serbian government, to its credit,
has acknowledged the truth of its own history and accepted moral and
legal responsibility for past crimes, while Turkey-with the complicity
of the U.S. government-continues to evade the truth and escape its
moral and material responsibilities for the Armenian Genocide.”

The White House, earlier today, congratulated the Serbian government
for arresting Mladic. Speaking on behalf of the Obama Administration,
Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, who is traveling with
President Obama at the G8 summit in France, stated that his capture
underscores that, “justice will come to those who carry out these
types of crimes against humanity, that the international community
will be unrelenting in the pursuit of that justice.”