Statement Issued By Non-Governmental Organizations Of Nagorno-Karaba


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Published: 22:26:09 – 22/06/2011

Reaffirming our previous statements on the Fundamental Principles
put forth by Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group,

We hereby state that we will be considering null and void any document
endorsing these principles and signed between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

It is evident to us that no interstate agreement can have legal
force if:

1) it limits fundamental human rights; 2) it is signed under the
threat of use of force and economic coercion; and 3) it humiliates
the dignity of the people that has won in the national-liberation
struggle and deprives it of the results of its own victory.

We remain firmly convinced that the only way to establish peace between
Azerbaijan and NKR is the unreserved international recognition of our
state and, in this regard, we consider the announcements made by the
Government of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in favor of this position of
the Artsakh public to be a positive circumstance.

Hence, we call on the Presidents of the three states meeting in
the city of Kazan on June 26 of this year to take account of this
political fact and demonstrate political will to adopt a new format
for peaceful negotiations. Peaceful and free development of the region
is possible to ensure only through universal respect for human rights.

A format of negotiations anchored on this principle will lead to
pacific settlement of disputes.