Categories: News

Kajarants Village Is In A Blockade (Video)


2012-12-10 16:09:55

Kajarants Village chief Rafik Atayan was interviewed by the
environmentalists, in which which he appealed to all Armenians.

“Kajarants combine criminals put me into an artificial blockade. They
did not give the village residents cars in order to take their grass
to home. I solve all the problems myself, with my own car and we are
going to solve till the end. My village is in poor condition. I will
not give my village, we will not leave our village.

We are not going to give Nakhichevan border. We keep this border. The
border’s Turkish are better, but the Turkish inside do not leave us.

We are not going to leave. We have our houses, our mother land,
our tombs and we have everything. We just want that they help us. 2
metres road of the village is in a very poor condition.

We have Armenians, who help us, but this help does not reach the
village. I apply to my village residents to help us to develop our
agriculture. If we leave the villages in the borders, who will keep
the border in that case? They disturb people to leave the village,
but they can not”.

You can watch the video for more details

nina hovnanian:
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