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Armenian Troops Will Stay in Afghanistan Longer

Armenian Troops Will Stay in Afghanistan Longer

Politics – Wednesday, 12 December 2012, 17:25

The term of the Armenian troops in the ISAF Afghanistan will be
extended till 31 December 2014. This change is foreseen under the
extension of the agreement regulating legal matters with NATO relating
to the participation of the Republic of Armenia forces in the ISAF. It
has been included in the agenda of the extraordinary meeting of
parliament on December 17. On December 11 the Constitutional Court
confirmed that the obligations set out in the agreement are in line
with the RA Constitution. Since February 2010 one platoon of the RA
Armed Forces has been under the ISAF Northern Command which provides
security of the airport of Kunduz. The number of Armenian peacemakers
seconded to Afghanistan in 2011 has been increased to 121. 40
contractors are on a mission in Kunduz, 81 defend the airport of
Mazari-Sharif and the military base of the assistance forces.

Babajanian Karo:
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