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Armenia not provided with sufficient amount of blood components

Armenia not provided with sufficient amount of blood components

December 14

14,000 cases of blood donorship (0.3% of the population) were recorded
in Armenia this year, Director of the Center of Hematology of the RA
Ministry of Health Smbat Daghbashian announced at a meeting with
journalists today.

He said that according to data of the World Health Organization, 2-4%
of the population should be involved as blood donors so that the
country could be considered as provided with a sufficient amount of
blood components, but the indices in Armenia are low: there were
14,000 donors instead of 60,000 ones.

In the Soviet time there was a mandatory-voluntary institute of blood
donorship, which ceased to exist after Armenia’s independence. «38% of
the population is blood donors in developed countries. Residents are
well-supplied with blood components; » S. Daghbashian noted.

In Armenia, most blood donors are young people, but the Church, the
Red Cross, and NGOs should also be involved and spread propaganda.

According to the speaker, in many cases doctors become blood doctors.
«One doctor has donated his blood 60 times».

TODAY, 14:30


Kanayan Tamar:
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