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BAKU: Davutoglu: We want the UN and OSCE to be more active so that A

APA, Azerbaijan
Dec 15 2012

Ahmet Davutoglu: We want the UN and OSCE to be more active so that
Armenia withdraws from the occupied Azerbaijani territories

[ 15 December 2012 19:52 ]

Baku. Mayis Alizadeh – APA. `The enhancement of the economic relations
between the regional countries is very important in fair solution of
the frozen conflicts,’ said Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu
while responding to APA’s question at the press conference following
the 27th meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Black Sea
Economic Cooperation (BSEC).

To APA’s question `In your speech at the UN General Assembly in
September, you underlined that international organizations didn’t
sufficiently work for the solution of the frozen conflicts. Recently,
Prime Minister Erdogan has also strongly criticized international
organizations, including the UN Security Council, because of their
indifferent positions to the regional conflicts. Armenia, member of
BSEC, has been occupying the territories of Azerbaijan for 25 years
and Russia has problem with Georgia and Moldova. Which steps are you
going to take at the international organizations towards the solution
of regional conflicts?’, Davutoglu said:

`At the UN General Assembly and other meetings I criticized the
Security Council for not paying desired attention to the international
and regional conflicts. It is the number one task of the UN to solve
these problems fairly. There are problems among the BSEC member
states. As you have said Armenia has occupied Azerbaijan’s
territories, Russia has problems with Georgia. It should be taken into
account that BSEC is making efforts to achieve peace, stability and
welfare in the region through enhancement of the economic relations
among the member states. We think that the more economic relations
among the member states are strengthened, the easier it will be to
solve the frozen conflicts in the region. We want the UN and OSCE to
be more active so that Armenia withdraws from the occupied Azerbaijani

Ahmet Davutoglu mentioned that Ukraine, the upcoming chairman of BSEC,
will also take over OSCE chairmanship.

“I held one-on-one meeting with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Grishchenko
and thoroughly discussed the ways of increasing OSCE’s influence in
the fair solution of the frozen conflicts in the region. I hope the
more our economic relations within BSEC are strengthened, the more
significant steps will be taken towards the solution of the frozen
conflicts in our region,” he said.

Badalian Vardan:
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