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"Ancient Musical Instruments" To Introduce "Bambir" Movie Today


15:08, 20 December, 2012

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 20, ARMENPRESS. In frames of “Ancient Musical
Instruments” series “Bambir” movie premier will be introduced to
the public, which will be held in Arno Babajanyan Concert Hall on
December 20. As reports “Armenpress” today during the press conference
the author of the series, Chairperson of “HayArt” Culture Centre
of the Yerevan Municipality Rita Sharoyan stated that new times
newly introduce bambir musical instrument. The chairperson of the
centre stated: “When in the midst of the developed technologies of
the XXI century we speak about bambir musical instrument that means
that by this we keep living our cultural heritage.” Also Sharoyan is
considering touching upon the issue of percussion instruments as well
in the nearest future.

Summing the activity of 2012 “HayArt” Culture Centre of the Yerevan
Municipality Rita Sharoyan underscored that the current year was full
of cultural events. She stated: “Before any undertaking and initiative
first of all I give an account of the future activity to myself and
only if I am satisfied with this account than I take up an enterprise.”

Babajanian Karo:
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