Western Prelacy News – 12/21/2012

December 21, 2012
Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
6252 Honolulu Avenue
La Crescenta, CA 91214
Tel: (818) 248-7737
Fax: (818) 248-7745
E-mail: info@westernprelacy.org



On Sunday, December 23rd, 2012, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
Mardirossian, Prelate, will preside over Divine Liturgy and deliver the
sermon at St. Garabed Church in Hollywood.
The Prelate will also preside over the requiem service, during which
prayers will be offered for the soul of ARF activist Apo Ashjian who thirty
years ago during the Lebanese civil war was abducted and never found.
After the Church service, a memorial will be held at the adjacent
Hollywood Armenian Center under the auspices of the ARF Central Committee of
the Western U.S.


The Western Prelacy recently published color illustrated copies of
the Lord’s Prayer in memory of three faithful, Alice Avakian, Rosa Bekarian,
and Zevart Movsessian.
On the threshold of the New Year, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
Mardirossian, Prelate, met with the families of the deceased, blessed the
memory of their loved ones and presented them with special framed copies of
the prayer.
On the occasion of the New Year and Christmas, copies of the prayer
were distributed to principals, teachers, staff, and students of Prelacy


Each year on the evening of January 6, Prelacy clergy, sponsors,
friends, and representatives of parishes and sister organizations, as well
as benefactors and sponsors gather for the “Prelate’s New Year and Christmas
Dinner” to collectively celebrate the New Year and the Glorious Nativity and
Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This annual dinner, initiated by the Religious and Executive
Councils and organized by the Prelacy Ladies Auxiliary, will take place on
Sunday, January 6, 2013, at “Bagramian” Hall of Holy Cross Cathedral in
Montebello, starting at 6:00 p.m.
Please contact the Prelacy for more information.


The “Year of the Armenian Book” as proclaimed by H.H. Catholicos
Aram I, was celebrated throughout the year at the Prelacy and its Churches
with the publication of a number of books and events to present these new
books to the public.
The latest of these events was held on the evening of Wednesday,
December 19, 2012, at the Prelacy “Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian” Hall,
where author and teacher Mr. Kevork Bedikian’s latest book “Timadedrs”
(Facebook) was presented. The event was held under the auspices of H.E.
Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and was organized by Asbarez
newspaper and the Prelacy Education and Cultural Committee.
As guest entered the hall, they were pleasantly greeted by music
played on the piano by youngster Tamar Chavdarian. Education and Cultural
Committee Chair and Master of Ceremonies Mr. Herair Jermakian welcomed the
guests and invited two Saturday School students from the ARS Taline Chapter
to sing a song. The MC then Asbarez editor Mr. Apo Boghikian to present the
Mr. Boghikian noted that in our national life there are individuals
who quietly and persistently serve for the advancement of our collective
life, and referred to Mr. Bedikian as belonging to this group. Mr.
Boghikian spoke of the role the author’s birth place of Aleppo has had in
shaping his literary works, and contributions of his nearly fifty years of
service in the education and cultural fields. He concluded by thanking the
Prelacy and the Prelacy for hosting such events which celebrate Armenian
authors and their valuable works.
The book was presented by long-time educator Mrs. Linda Kandilian,
who had been the author’s students and is currently a teacher at Armenian
Sisters Academy. She first spoke of how Aleppo and its environment shaped
the author and his generation, then presented synopsis of the book, which is
comprised of twenty stories and five obituaries. Mrs. Kandilian reflected
on the author’s literary attributes and style, his deep love and reverence
for his mother tongue, and his aptitude at taking his personal experiences
and presenting them in a broader view that is enjoyable to the reader.
Finally, she noted that the subject matter of the author’s stories are
inspired by events and experiences spanning from Aleppo to Der Zor to
Armenia and the Diaspora.
A cultural program followed, consisting of two songs presented by
singer Dzovig Nashalian, accompanied on the piano by Hovig Keushgerian, and
one of Kevork Bedikian’s poems dedicated to the Armenian Book recited by a
group of young students from Armenian Sisters Academy.
The author was then invited to convey his thoughts and remarks. Mr.
Bedikian first thanked the Prelate and organizers, Executive Council member
Dr. Dikran Babikian and all the guests in attendance for their support. He
also thanked the individuals who contributed to his latest book, among them
Masis Araradian who had prepared the front cover. Mr. Bedikian spoke of the
role and value of books and how books are the language of the mind. He
concluded by once again thanking all the readers who value and encourage the
written word and are in tune with our cultural and literary heritage.
The MC invited the Prelate to deliver his message and blessings.
The Prelate first extolled the importance of such cultural events, noting
that one of the purposes of the Prelacy Hall is to serve for our cultural
heritage. He commended the program participants, Mr. Boghikian, Mrs.
Kandilian, and the artistic performers, as well as the organizing bodies for
working together to prepare the event. His Eminence reflected on his
forty-year long friendship with Mr. Bedikian, dating back to his days at the
Antelias Catholicosate. Speaking on the author’s birthplace, the Prelate
highlighted that Aleppo has not only inspired and shaped the author, it
fulfilled a significant role in the aftermath of the Genocide as the mother
of various Diaspora communities and the bastion of our faith and heritage.
In conclusion, the Prelate blessed all those who serve for the advancement
of the Armenian written word, among them Mr. Bedikian, and reminded the
guests that the Prelacy this year published a number of books, most recently
two new books by Mr. Jacques Hagopian, which will be presented in the near
The event concluded with the benediction by the Prelate and the
collective singing of the Cilician anthem. During the reception that
followed, guests had the opportunity to converse with the author and
purchase signed copies of his book.


On the evening of Friday, December 21st, a concert featuring
Armenian popular and folk music by Gevorg Chakmanyan will be held under the
auspices of the Armenian Society of Los Angeles at their center in Glendale.
Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian will represent the Prelate.

From: Baghdasarian
