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ARF Dashnaktsutyun selects its presidential candidate? – newspaper

ARF Dashnaktsutyun selects its presidential candidate? – newspaper

December 22, 2012 | 06:47

YEREVAN. – `As our sources close to the [opposition] ARF
[Dashnaktsutyun Party] inform, Dashnaktsutyun will never support
[opposition Heritage Party leader] Raffi Hovannisian’s candidacy [in
the forthcoming presidential elections in Armenia],’ Hraparak daily
writes, and continues:

`According to the same sources, the ARF, in all likelihood, will
nominate its own candidate – during its General Assembly to be convened
on December 25 – who will be [ARF MP] Armen Rustamyan. This is
conditioned not solely on the wish of the [party] ranks but, also, on
the recent [President] Serzh Sargsyan-ARF meeting, in which Armen
Rustamyan likewise partook. Also, arrangement was made that ARF will
have to act as radical opposition and be very aggressive.

`If the General Assembly makes such decision, Serzh Sargsyan will have
a very impressive threesome of challengers – Raffi Hovannisian,
[opposition MP and former PM] Hrant Bagratyan, Armen Rustamyan – , in
the presidential elections, that will vie for the `honorable’ second
place,’ our ARF interlocutor said.’

From: Baghdasarian

Baghdasarian Karlen:
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