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Customs Union’s with Armenia can develop more actively than Ukraine

Ukraine General Newswire
December 20, 2012 Thursday 6:16 PM MSK

Customs Union’s relations with Armenia can develop more actively than
with Ukraine, says EurAsEC head

Moscow December 19

The Customs Union and Armenia will soon prepare a number of joint
documents, Eurasian Economic Commission (EurAsEC) Board Chairman
Viktor Khristenko said.

“We have recently made an agreement with the Armenian government, that
we will prepare a memorandum similar to the Ukrainian one. I think
that the rapprochement with Armenia can be even more active than with
Ukraine,” Khristenko said in an interview with the Vedomosti
Newspaper, published on Wednesday.

He explained that they signed two memorandums with Ukraine’s
government: on cooperation in trade and technical regulation.

When asked about the relations between the Customs Union and Ukraine,
Khristenko again said that they were working only on one application
for membership in the Customs Union – the application of Kyrgyzstan.

“Everything else is a product of the media and domestic policies of
the countries. Ukraine, as we see, lives within the debate of whether
to join the EU or the Customs Union,” he added.

“No one, except Ukraine itself will be able to decide for the country.
Nobody can do and should do this. Ukraine is a country-observer in
EurAsEC. Ukraine is one of the key trading partners for the Customs
Union,” Khristenko said.

Babajanian Karo:
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