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HR defender: State displays consumer approach to conscript personnel

Human rights defender: The state displays consumer approach to
conscript personnel

Friday, December 21, 16:24

The healthcare problems among conscript personnel and soldiers will
grow in 2013, the head of the Vanadzor office of Helsinki Civil
Assembly, Artur Sakunts, made such a prediction today when presenting
a report “Medical violations among conscript personnel and

He said that at present a big number of young people with various
illnesses have been serving in the army, but the legislation did not
strictly fix in what case a young man may be demobilized. He also
added that there are cases when one conscript suffers from several
illnesses, which may result not only in worsening of his health but
even in death. “24 soldiers applied to the Vanadzor office of the
Helsinki Civil Assembly in 2012, 16 of which with a complaint for
medical service, 2 of them were demobilized and one got determent”, –
he said and added that after demobilization citizens do not pass
medical examination. “It turns out that the state displays consumer
approach to the conscript personnel”, – he said and added that various
diseases beyond cure and avoked diseases were the reason of the great
part of 45 death cases in the army in 2012.

From: A. Papazian

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