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LTP nomination to raise wave of enthusiasm among people – ANC rep

Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s nomination to raise wave of enthusiasm among
people, ANC rep says

15:17 – 23.12.12

Armenian National Congress (ANC) member Gurgen Yeghazaryan, from
Social Democrat-Hnchakyan party, is convinced the nomination of the
ANC leader will raise the same wave of enthusiasm among people like
during the 2008 presidential election.

`Unequivocally, it will be the same wave, you will see the enthusiasm
rising among people in calculated days,’ Yeghiazaryan said, speaking
to Tert.am.

According to the ANC representative, Levon Ter-Petrosyan is not
protracting the issue of his nomination, just the opposite, in his
yesterday’s speech he put everything in its place.

`It was a perfect, detailed speech. He put everything in its place and
pointed out the solutions. And now, after it, it does not matter who
will nominate him, be it Bagratyan, or any other,’ he said.

Babajanian Karo:
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