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Street after Marshal Babajanyan to appear in Odessa

Street after Marshal Babajanyan to appear in Odessa

December 22, 2012 | 18:24

Odessa City Council voted to change the name of a number of streets
and squares. Rekordnaya Street will now be called after Chief Marshal
of Armored Forces and the Hero of the Soviet Union Hamazasp

On February 22, at a joint meeting of Union of Armenians of Ukraine
and the Armenian community of Odessa, the head of the Union of
Armenians of Ukraine Vilen Shatvoryan presented an appropriate request
to the authorities of the city. Earlier, a similar initiative was
implemented by the local Armenian community and the chairman of the
society in memory of Marshal Hamazasp Babajanyan, Grant Grigoryants,
Analitika.at.ua informs.

Hamazasp Babajanyan (1906-1977) – Marshal of Armored Forces (1967),
Hero of the Soviet Union (1944). Fought during the Soviet-Finnish War
(1939-1940). He graduated from the Military Academy of the General
Staff (1948), then held senior command positions. Since 1959 was the
commander of the Odessa Military District. In 1967-1969 was the Head
of the Military Academy of Armored Forces after Marshal Malinovsky. He
was awarded with three Orders of Lenin, four Orders of the Red Banner,
Order of Suvorov (1st and 2nd degree), Kutuzov 1st degree, World War
1st degree, two Orders of the Red Star, two Polish orders and medals.

nina hovnanian:
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