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Armenia-Eu Association Agreement May Create Leverages For Pressuring


YEREVAN, December 26./ARKA/. The possible ratification of Association
Agreement between Armenia and the EU and the perspectives for Armenia
to enter EU Trade Union may create additional leverages for pressure
over Turkey, Vahram Ter-Matevosyan told reporters on Wednesday at
Novosti International press center in Yerevan.

Vahram Ter-Matvevosyan is an expert at Institute of Oriental Studies
of Armenia’s National Academy of Sciences.

Negotiations on the Association Agreement Armenia-EU started in July
2010 in Yerevan. The upcoming agreement will substitute the agreement
on partnership and cooperation and is aimed at strengthening the
relations between Armenia and the European Union in different spheres,
particularly in the sphere of foreign policy, democracy, economic
integration, movement of people and energy.

“Turkey joined the Trade Union in 1995, and if Armenia enters the
Union, Turkey will be challenged by the new issues, such as closed
borders with Armenia-EU Trade Union member state” the expert implied.

Ter-Matevosyan noted that the Armenian authorities should constantly
reiterate the issue of the closed borders with Turkey.

Trade Union member states can import and export goods within the
Union borders without any customs duties.

Official Ankara closed borders with Armenia in 1993. The relations
between the two states were tensed as Turkey supported Azerbaijan’s
position in the Karabakh conflict and kept denying the fact of the
Armenian Genocide of 1915. -0-

Kalantarian Kevo:
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