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Minister Promises To Catch ‘Fish’


02:13 pm | Today | Social

Armenia’s Ministry of Healthcare has implemented almost all programs
approved by the executive body, Minister Derenik Dumanyan said at
his year-end news conference.

Among the major achievements of the passing year, the minister pointed
out the implementation of a balanced development program in regions
as part of a modernization program launched in the healthcare system
in 2007.

“Under the project, a number of hospitals and medical centers,
including those in Hrazdan, Ijevan, Armavir, Ararat, Goris, Aparan
and Gavar, have been reconstructed. This year a new multi-profile
hospital opened in Gyumri,” Mr Dumanyan said adding that the program
would continue through 2013.

Also, the Ministry plans to increase the salaries of physicians and
other specialists working in medical establishments.

The Minister added that they will punish everyone who fails to perform
his professional duties, no matter who they are and what position
they hold.

“We are searching for big fish in the healthcare sector to catch
them from the head,” he said. “I have no problems and if I see people
who do not implement their duties – whether they are big or small –
there will be no pardoning for them.”

Kalantarian Kevo:
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