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Serzh Sargsyan Is Not A Friend Of Dashnaktsutyun


05:56 pm | Today | Politics

The Armenian Revolutionary Federation – Dashnaktsutyun is the third
major force in Armenia not to contest the 2013 presidential election.

Aghvan Vardanyan, a senior representative of the party’s Supreme Body
says there is no need to rig similar elections though ~QDashnaktsutyun
knows people who would try to.’

On Tuesday evening the Supreme Body convened a meeting to decide the
format of the party’s participation in February’s election.

Forty-five speeches were made at the meeting with most of the
attendees suggesting that the party should not nominate a candidate
in the election.

To participate in the election, the results of which are predetermined,
would mean to become a part of a well-thought-out scenario. Among
the reasons, the party also cited the corrupt election practice in
Armenia, as well as shadow economy.

The party representatives confess that they have been unable to teach
people to make a righteous choice during the elections. Nor have been
able to unite the political forces.

“They wanted us to support their candidates – something inadmissible
for us as we announced from the very beginning that we are not
interested in personalities,” said Arsen Hambardzumyan, another
representative of the party’s Supreme Body.

The party does not exclude the possibility of supporting other
candidates, but it cannot be the pro-government candidate.

Though Dashnaktsutyun is not going to boycott the elections, it will
actively participate in the campaign, maintaining its slogan chosen
during the parliamentary elections: “We are your friend!”

From: A. Papazian

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