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12 Armenian plays to be released in Persian

12 Armenian plays to be released in Persian

December 27, 2012 – 16:58 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net – Behzad Sedeghi, an official of Iranian Theatre
Forum, announced that 12 Armenian plays will be released in Persian
while the translation of Iranian works is on the agenda as well, the
Iran Book News Agency reported.

According to the public relations department of the Iranian Theatre
Forum, the spokesman and the deputy of the board of directors of the
Forum’s playwrights’ center said: `Supported by the director of the
Dramatic Arts Center of Iran, Qader Ashena, a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) will soon be signed between the Dramatic Arts
Center and the Forum’s playwrights’ center.’

Following the activities of the international section and a MoU which
was signed with the Writers’ Union of Armenia, Forum’s playwrights’
center has decided to release 12 Armenian plays, which will be
translated by Andranik Khechoumian, he added.

Currently `Wall’ by Alireza Naderi and `A romantic narrative of a
death in Ordibehesht’ by Mohammad Charmshir have been rendered into
Armenian which are supposed to be staged in Armenia as well.

Babajanian Karo:
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