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ANC thinks "backing any of the candidates senseless"

ANC thinks “backing any of the candidates senseless”

Thursday 27 December 2012 16:48

Yerevan. December 27. /Mediamax/. The Armenian National Congress
stated today that it “thinks participation in the elections which have
became a farce and backing any of the candidates senseless”.

“Falsifying the 2008 presidential elections and choking the people’s
rebel against the election frauds in blood, Serzh Sargsyan’s regime
have been consistently eliminating any opportunity of democratic and
competitive elections over 5 consecutive years.

Over the 5 years, the election frauds machine has been improved. A
criminal system of bribe distribution on the state level and multiple
voting which is supported by the state structures and all the law
enforcement agencies as well as the ruling party. The main tool for
election frauds is the election list which is exaggerated by about 700
000 voters. The authorities failed the joint efforts of the Armenian
National Congress, Prosperous Armenia, Armenian Revolutionary
Federation-Dashnaktsutyun and Heritage parties to make radical changes
in the election system in the country and ensure transparent, free and
fair elections not taking into account even the requirements of the
international community, OSCE/ODIHR observer mission in particular. In
fact, the mechanism of competitive elections is destroyed, businessmen
supporting the opposition are intimidated, any opportunity of changing
the power through elections is absolutely ruled out by 500-700
thousand fake votes.

Taking into account the situation, the Armenian National Congress
thinks its participation in the elections which have become a farce
and supporting any of the candidates senseless which will only benefit
legitimating of the illegitimate regime in the current situation”, the
ANC statement reads.

Badalian Vardan:
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