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Davit Babayan considers last year successive as to Artsakh int’l rec

Davit Babayan considers last year successive as to Artsakh
international recognition

10:29, 28 December, 2012

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 28, ARMENPRESS: 2012 was a remarkable year for
Artsakh Republic. Armenpress had an interview with Nagorno karabakh
Republic President press spokesman Davit Babayan. High ranking
official considers negative Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict went into a
deadlock due to Azerbaijani pursued policy.

”Official Baku entitled with a hero title criminal Ramil Safarov thus
breaching all international and normal norms ” Davit Babayan stated.
In the words of the interlocutor this way Azerbaijan showed the world
its interface. Dwelling on NKR achievements in 2012 Babayan noted
2012 was successive year both pertain to Artsakh international
recognition as well as development of bilateral relations.

Artaskah issue was much touched upon in 2011-2012. A range of
essential meetings have been launched, agreements have been signed
which contributed to the development of various sectors, a number of
high ranking foreign delegations arrived in Artsakh by an official and
non-official visit. The press secretary also recalled the circulation
of Artsakh international recognition both by Uruguay, and several
other states throughout the year.

Kajoyan Gevork:
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