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Turkey will try to ease pressure of world community with forthcoming

Expert: Turkey will try to ease pressure of world community with
forthcoming centennial of Armenian Genocide

Sunday, December 30, 09:16

One should expect no breakthrough in the Armenian-Turkish
normalizations in 2013 because of Turkey’s unwillingness to normalize
relations with Armenia, first of all, Ruben Safrastyan, Turkologist,
Director of the Oriental Studies Institute, the National Academy of
Science of Armenia, told ArmInfo predicting possible processes in the
Armenian-Turkish relations in 2013.

He said that Ankara’s unwillingness to normalize relations with
Armenia is connected with the fact that Turkey has seriously and
hopelessly stuck in the Syrian conflict. At present, the South
Caucasus is not a priority for Ankara.

`I don’t think that Turkey will go on any significant concessions in
connection with the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Instead, it
will imitate active work with some Diaspora structures to reduce
pressure of the world community,’ Safrastyan said.

As for the situation in Syria, Safrastyan said that the political
crisis is deepening hour after hour and everything that has been
created in the country for decades is now being ruined.

`The authorities so far keep control over the country and the army is
efficient so far. However, the West and its Middle Eastern satellites
such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey will keep exacerbating the
crisis. Already today, increasing information attacks on the Syrian
authorities and accusing them of using chemical weapons against the
citizens, the above external forces pave the way for armed
intervention,’ Safrastyan said. He is sure that without foreign
interference the Syrian rebels are not able to overthrow President
Bashar Assad.

Kajoyan Gevork:
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