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Ethics Committee decided to start the inquiry of the application reg

The Ethics Committee decided to start the inquiry of the application
regarding the incident between the MP and the journalist
Fri, 12/28/2012 – 19:44

The NA Ad-hoc Ethics Committee held preliminary discussion of the
issues put on agenda of the session of January 17, 2012 at today’s

As `Pastinfo.am’ informed earlier the questions regarding the inquiry
of the applications of the `Transparency International’
anti-corruption center and chief editor of `Zoravig’ newspaper Pushkin
Serobyan were on the agenda.

As a result, the Commission decided to start the inquiry of the
application submitted by `Transparency International’ regarding the
incident that took place in the NA between the NA MP Mher Sedrakyan
and `A1+’ journalist Mher Arshakyan.

The application of the chief editor of `Zoravig’ newspaper was rejected.


Kanayan Tamar:
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