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International mediators on Karabakh should be frank – expert

International mediators on Karabakh should be frank – expert

January 02, 2013 | 16:42

YEREVAN. – Former OSCE Minsk Group Russian Co-Chair, Ambassador
Vladimir Kazimirov does not consider the OSCE monitoring, conducted in
the line of the contact of the Karabakh conflict, productive enough,
he told Armenian News-NEWS.am.

`The monitoring cannot serve as an effective mechanism for maintaining
ceasefire. They are conducted regularly but not every day,’ he said
adding incumbent Co-Chairs get little use of levels. `One of them is a
simple publicity, while they should be frank.’

In response to the question, whether there are enforcement mechanisms
for the parties to implement the agreements or the scenario of Kazan
meeting can be repeated again, the expert said that there are no such
mechanisms yet.

From: A. Papazian

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