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Kenney: The Armenian Nation is an idea that transcends borders

Armenian Canadian Conservative Association
Toronto, Ontario
Contact: Sevan Hajinian
Email: sevan@armenianconservative.ca

The Armenian Nation is an idea that transcends borders

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I would like to bring to your attention the below YouTube link of the Hon.
Jason Kenney’s speech at the launch of the Armenian Canadian Conservative
Association in Toronto on Nov. 22, 2014.

The Canadian-Armenian community is privileged and fortunate to call a
principled and brave leader such as the Hon. Jason Kenney a friend of our

To listen and watch the entire speech, please visit the link below

The Launch of the Armenian Canadian Conservative Association in Toronto on
Nov. 22, 2014

Published on Dec 20, 2014

`The Armenian Nation is not just the four-million people living within the
borders of the Republic of Armenia. The Armenian Nation is an idea that
transcends borders. The Armenian Nation is a spirit of tenacity, of
survival, of overcoming adversity, of fidelity– fidelity to your faith and
to your ancestors.

`To be Armenian throughout history has meant to make a choice. To make a
choice to overcome very often waves of persecution and violence and
dislocation, but to maintain that fidelity at an incredibly high price.

`To be Armenian means never to forget. Not just 1915 but never to forget
that yours was the first Christian Nation. Never to forget what that meant
during all of those years in Anatolia, in the Middle East, and in the
world-wide Diaspora.”

Hon. Jason Kenney, Canada’s Minister of Employment and Social Development
and Minister for Multiculturalism, during his keynote speech at the launch
of the Armenian Canadian Conservative Association in Toronto on Nov. 22,

Badalian Vardan:
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