President Sargsyan Receives Euronest PA Bureau Members


17:21, 17 Mar 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

President Serzh Sargsyan today received the members of the Euronest
Parliamentary Assembly (PA) Bureau who have arrived in Armenia to take
part in the fourth ordinary plenary session of the Euronest PA being
held in Yerevan from 16 to 18 March, President’s Press Office reported.

The President said that the Euronest ‘s Yerevan session provided a good
opportunity for uninhibited discussions and exchange of views, as well
as for expression of opinions on issues which were of great public
concern in partner countries. Noting that in 2012, Yerevan hosted a
successful session of the Euronest Subcommittee on Social Affairs,
Education, Culture and Civil Society, the Armenian President expressed
the hope that the current plenary session will also be successful,
and the ongoing discussions of agenda items being held in parliamentary
format and the subsequent resolutions will strengthen relations between
EU and partner countries. Serzh Sargsyan stressed that there are all
the grounds to hold constructive and effective discussion.

The members of the Euronest PA Bureau thanked President Serzh Sargsyan
for the reception and expressed satisfaction with the results of their
work carried out at the RA NA during the last two days, as well as
touched upon the items to be discussed thereafter.

At the meeting, the parties touched upon the cooperation between
Armenia and the European Union and the prospects for development
of their relations, as well as upon the Euronest’s unique place and
role in that matter. The interlocutors expressed the hope that the
parliamentary meetings in Yerevan will become a crucial stop on the
way to enhancing Armenia-EU relations.

At the request of the guests, Serzh Sargsyan reflected upon Armenia’s
foreign policy priorities, the factors underlying our country’s
decision to join the Eurasian Economic Union, Armenia-Turkey relations,
the concerted efforts made by Armenia and the OSCE Minks Group
co-chair countries aimed a peaceful settlement of the NK conflict,
the Armenian Genocide Centennial commemorative events to be held this
year in Armenia and abroad and their importance. Serzh Sargsyan also
answered the questions of Euronest PA Bureau members related to this,
as well as to other topics.