Categories: News

Armenia Meets Only 8.32% Of Demand With Its Own Energy Resources


15:33 March 17, 2015


Energy security in Armenia is an urgent issue on the agends, as
Armenia meets only 8.32% of its demand with its own energy resources:
natural gas ensures 54.7%, while Metsamor nuclear power plant ensures
24.5%. Oil accounts for 12.5%, hydropower – 8.3%, and solar and biogas
energy – 0.02%.

As Energy and Natural Resources Deputy Minister Hayk Harutyunyan
mentioned in his interview with EcoLur, energy security concept
paper in Armenia has four prioirities, ‘First is the maximum use of
renewable energy potential. Second, energy efficiency starting from
energy system to households. Third, ways of supplying energy carriers,
fourth – the development of nuclear energy, safe development of the
current power unit and the construction of a new power unit.’

Under Hayk Harutyunyan, all energy efficiency programs will be closely
connected with climate chnage and global processes of greenhouse
gas reduction.

Reminder: on 16 March Energy and Natural Resources Ministry and the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed an
agreement on Armenia’s participation in the Eastern Europe Energy
Efficiency and Environment Partnership (E5P). Armenia will contribute
EURO 1 million to E5P which will enable Armenia to access grant funds
of EURO 20 million for priority energy efficiency investments in the
municipal sector.

The main objective of the initiative is to use grants to leverage
loans dedicated to municipal energy efficiency and environmental
projects, for example the rehabilitation of water and wastewater
systems, solid waste management, street lighting and the insulation
of public buildings.

The material is prepared by ‘EcoLur’ Informational NGO under UNDP
Climate Change Program, within the framework of ARM-002/2015 Contract.

The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations, including
UNDP, or the UN Member States.

nina hovnanian:
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