Lecture On The Armenian Genocide In Warsaw


18:38, 20 Mar 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

On March 19, a lecture, dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian
Genocide was delivered by prominent publicist, religious and public
figure Tadeusz Isakowicz-Zalewski at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski
University in Warsaw. Ambassador of Armenia to Poland Edgar Ghazaryan,
diplomats, politicians and public figures, and more than 100 students
and professors of the university listened to the lecture.

Publicist presented the history of the Armenian Genocide, reflected on
the settlement of part of Armenians in Poland and the history of the
Armenian community in Poland, touched upon prehistory of the Armenian
Genocide, presenting essence and planning. He also briefed about the
process of international recognition and condemnation of the Armenian
Genocide, as well as memorials and cross-stones dedicated to the memory
of victims of the Armenian Genocide, installed in different cities of
Poland. At the end of the lecture Tadeusz Isakowicz-Zalewski answered
moving questions of the attendees.
