President Sargsyan Meets Russian Media Representatives


18:49, 20 Mar 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

President Serzh Sargsyan today hosted representatives from the
governing bodies of a series of leading Russian media outlets
– Vladimir Sungorkin, Editor-in-Chief at Komsomolskaya Pravda,
Alexander Minkin, reporter at Moskovskij Komsomolets, Leonid Mlechin,
commentator at the Public Television of Russia, Marina Zakharova,
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Regnum News Agency, as well as Ashot
Dzhazoyan, Secretary of the Russian Union of Journalists, Boris Reznik,
Secretary of the Russian Union of Journalists and State Duma Deputy,
and Urmo Soonvald, Editor-in-Chief at the Estonian news agency Delphi.

The participants of the meeting exchanged views on a number of topics
of mutual interest.

The Armenian President also responded to the journalists’ questions
related to Armenia’s foreign and domestic policy, regional challenges
and current international problems, as well as to the commemorative
events to mark the Armenian Genocide Centennial.