German journalist: Turkey should change mindset on Armenian Genocide

German journalist: Turkey should change mindset on Armenian Genocide

01:10, 21.03.2015

YEREVAN. – Europe should discuss the matter with Turkey that if it
wants to be included in Europe, it should change its attitude toward
the Armenian Genocide issue and realize its huge mistake.

The chairman of the European Youth4Media Network association, Joachim
Musholt, told the aforesaid to Armenian

In his words, the Turkish government is closed and not ready to
cooperate on this matter.

“I’ve come to Armenia to learn more about the Armenian Genocide. I’m
from Germany. Our association works with the media,” Musholt noted.
“We plan to implement projects with the youth on this matter, since
not everyone in the Western countries knows about the Armenian

To the query on what call he would make upon the Turkish government
which continues denying the fact of the Armenian Genocide, the German
journalist responded that even though the great majority of the
Turkish society does not want to speak about this issue, the rest are
quite open.

“I hope we will be able to convince these people to deepen contacts;
but the Turkish society is much closed for that issue. Germany also
committed genocide, the Holocaust, but the Germans apologized,”
stressed the head of the European Youth4Media Network association. “I
believe this is a good example for other countries.”